
Classic massage 30 min. CHF 65,00

Classic massage 60 min. CHF 120,00


3 months CHF 250,00

6 months CHF 400,00

1 year CHF 650,00

1 year with Power Plate 1x/week Chf 1,250.00

1 year with Power Plate 2/week Chf 1,650.00

Power Plate

10er-Abo mit Therapeut Chf 400.00

10-session subscription without therapist Chf 200,00

Group therapy

10-session group therapy subscription Chf 200,00

(Back school / spinal gymnastics, etc.)

Icaros - Virtual Reality Fitness

10er-Abo mit Therapeut Chf 400.00

10-session subscription without therapist Chf 200,00

1 year subscription (2x/week) Chf 1,000.00

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