What is Medical Training Therapy (MTT)?

In medical training therapy, knowledge from training and movement theory and pathology are combined to support rehabilitation processes or to improve inadequate body functions in a preventative sense. Depending on the pathology, the focus is on stabilization or mobilization training, strength, coordination or cardiovascular training, with or without equipment. MTT is an active form of therapy with the aim of optimally supporting wound healing processes: damaged structures should be able to bear full loads again (in everyday life, work and sport) and impaired functions should be restored. It is important that the patient takes personal responsibility and, after a few instructions, is able to carry out their exercise program independently. The exercise program must be created by a specialist and individually tailored to the patient in terms of medical diagnoses, current rehabilitation phase, physical requirements and age.

Skills and tasks of a medical training therapist:

An MTT therapist has a very good sense of their body and has a wide range of sports and exercise experience. The theoretical knowledge includes training and movement theory, physiology and pathology, and functional anatomy. They plan, instruct, and monitor the exercise program for the patients, which they carry out on site. They also advise patients on home exercises and behavior in everyday life, at work, and during sporting activities. Ideally, they work in an interdisciplinary team with physiotherapists, doctors, possibly nutritionists, and psychologists.

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