Unique in Eastern Switzerland!

Entertaining training thanks to immersive fitness

ICAROS ushered in the era of immersive, virtual fitness and experts quickly agreed that the technology would achieve a breakthrough. Within a very short time, ICAROS has established itself as a motivating training concept. Thanks to its attractive design and fun factor, ICAROS has also become an extremely exciting marketing tool for acquiring new customers and generating attention.

Fitness studios, hotels, health centers and even companies (at trade fairs or for company health care) rely on the effect and attraction of ICAROS.

Virtual flight - real muscle soreness

Burn calories while gliding through the air, diving into the depths or floating in space. ICAROS is not just a toy, but the first immersive virtual reality fitness device that trains both body and mind in an entertaining way. While the athlete lies in a futuristic frame, he glides through virtual worlds such as mountains, the depths of the sea or space with the help of virtual reality glasses and trains the whole body in a playful way - as if he were Superman or another flying or diving hero. The ICAROS can be flown through an animated canyon landscape at breathtaking speed, for example. The interaction between the sled on which the athlete lies and the virtual reality creates an extremely realistic feeling of flying. The transmission of the movement using the controller attached to the handle works completely without any loss of time. Boring weight lifting is a thing of the past. The vision behind ICAROS is to make training fun. You can play and don't have to feel guilty about it. This training concept is the consistent combination of sport and entertainment in the digital world.


Fun and experience are the clear focus of training with the ICAROS. Flying through the virtual world lets you forget everyday life and ensures that users concentrate fully on themselves and their bodies. In addition to muscle strength, this also trains the ability to concentrate, body awareness and quick reflexes for breathtaking maneuvers.

The sports equipment of tomorrow - already in use today!

Orthmed Physiotherapiezentrum

The principle

The centrally installed gyroscope with two axes that ultimately meet at the user's center of gravity makes a real feeling of flying or floating possible. The device works completely wirelessly and only requires an app and a suitable smartphone. The cell phone is placed on the virtual reality glasses as a screen, and the virtual flight and fitness session with the sports device can begin.

Comprehensive body training

However, the device is still controlled using pure muscle power, which is quite strenuous. Balancing on the ICAROS trains almost all muscle groups and a wide variety of areas. The abdominal and shoulder muscles are particularly stressed. A nosedive, for example, puts a lot of strain on the shoulder muscles, and long curves put strain on the lateral torso muscles.

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