Wellness offer

Classic massage 30 min. CHF 65,00

Classic massage 60 min. CHF 120,00


Cellulite treatment Chf 1000.00

(with shock wave therapy 10 sessions)

Cellulite – the battle for smooth skin

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Cellulite occurs genetically only in women and is particularly visible on the thighs, bottom and upper arms. The connective tissue is soft and elastic, the collagen fibers are arranged in a loose mesh so that they can stretch during pregnancy. As a result of a disruption of the balance between fat buildup (lipogenesis) and fat breakdown (lipolysis) in the cells, the large fat cells typical of cellulite form. These cells push upwards through the loose-meshed soft connective tissue and become visible on the surface of the skin as typical dents (orange peel skin).

Over time, the elasticity of the skin decreases. 80% of all women develop the typical orange peel skin on their thighs, bottom and upper arms. Cellulite has become a problem in our affluent society, significantly limiting the quality of life and enjoyment of life. Shock wave therapy - or SWT for short - is a modern treatment method in which acoustic shock waves are introduced into the affected areas of the body.

Cellulite therapy with »SWT«

What is »SWT« and why does it work for cellulite? In »shock wave therapy«, shock waves are generated in a special handpiece and with the help of a compressor and introduced into the affected areas of the body. In medicine, shock waves have been used with great success since 1980 to treat kidney stones and since 1990 to treat tendon and muscle diseases. In modern cellulite therapy, the shock waves are directed at the cellulite zones. There they spread out over the body and develop their stimulating effect in the skin layers.

Which areas of the body can be treated?

Shock wave therapy can be used from the age of 18.

The treatment areas are:- Buttocks- Upper arms- Thighs

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